The AES AB Classic floor mat is the original ergonomic bubble profile mat. Customers still have many of these original mats in service for 20 years or longer.
Unmatched Safety Features
* Molded beveled edges
* They will never curl up, eliminating tripping hazards
* Any size, any shape mat, always in one piece
* No overlapping or worn-out connecting mats, also eliminating tripping hazards
Highest Quality
* Virgin raw material only
* Unbeaten durability and ergonomic relief
* Not only anti-fatique, but also true ergonomic benefits
* Unique ergonomic designs, eliminating and preventing common problems encountered in standing environments stimulating the body to increase blood circulation and alertness that will reduce sick leave, workers’ compensation and quality issues.
* Solid mat throughout; no hollow bubbles that collapse
The AB Classic Advantage
* Solid mat throughout, no hollow bubbles that collapse.
* Long-term solution to keep the “bounce back” effect thoughout the warranty period.
* Anti-static properties
* Silicone & latex-free
* Cleanroom ISO Class 5 (100)