World Standard Plug & Socket Types

Plug & socket types around the world

Worldstandard Plugs & Sockets Power Outlets

15 Types of domestic electrical outlet plugs are currently in use worldwide,
each of which has been assigned a letter by the US Department of Commerce International Trade Administration (ITA),
starting with A and moving through the alphabet.
These letters are completely arbitrary: they don’t actually mandate anything.

Click here for a global map showing the spread of the different plug types used around the world.

Click here for a detailed list of the countries of the world with their respective plug and outlet types, voltage and frequency.

سیستم همکاری در فروش کانال پروکسی تلگرام کاندوم اسپری تاخیری ایموشن proxy for telegram کسب درآمد کانال پروکسی تلگرام خرید کتاب سیستم های همکاری در فروش کانال سک30در تلگرام کسب درآمد از اینترنت کانال تلگرام دستگاه وکیوم مردانه